We have enjoyed a fortunate tenure here at The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center, and we want to show our appreciation by engaging in philanthropic activities in our community and in our world.

Equal Justice Initiative
The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center supports Equal Justice Initiative. Formed by the legendary Brian Stevenson, EJI is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the U.S., challenging racial and economic injustice and protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society. Today, criminal justice reform is an integral part of the establishment of racial justice. EJI is at the forefront of that work. Nearly 10 million Americans, including millions of children, have an immediate family member in jail or prison. More than 4.5 million Americans can’t vote because of a past conviction. And each year, we lose $87 billion in GDP due to mass incarceration.
Support EJI. Donate here.

What’s Next Washington
The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center supports What’s Next Washington. Founded in 2017, this organization advocates and organizes systemic policy change to establish full civil rights for people with convictions history. A just system believes that people can move on and thrive. When individuals are not given the opportunity to renew and resurrect their standing as noble human beings, they are marginalized and further pushed into the throngs of a punitive system. At What’s Next Washington, the shame and stigma of past convictions are guided into a productive beginning and establishment of gainful employment.
Support What’s Next Washington. Donate here.

Recovery Café
Recovery Café is a unique refuge of healing and transformation in Seattle that has recently received regional and national attention. Believing in the preciousness of every human being and using love and hope as a background banner of treatment, Recovery Café provides a program of holistic person-centered system of care that engages individuals with a history of addiction and homelessness to manage their disease and social standing.
Recovery Café is the latest philanthropic project that our office has become involved with. Each pay period, our staff has the option of dedicating a portion of their pay, which will then be matched by our practice and given to Recovery Café on a quarterly basis. We have also made a commitment to donating a significant amount each year to this worthy cause irrespective of staff participation.
Click here to learn more about Recovery Café.
Click here to donate.

Tahirih Justice Center
The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center is proud to support women and girls fleeing violence in an effort to promote equality between women and men and a more peaceful world. Tahirih Justice Center stands alone as the only national, multi-city organization providing a broad range of direct legal services, policy advocacy, training, and education to protect immigrant women and girls fleeing gender-based violence. The organization protects immigrant women and girls and promotes a world where women and girls enjoy equality and live in safety and dignity. Since 1997, Tahirih Justice Center has provided assistance to over 22,000 women and girls fleeing violence. They maintain a 99% litigation success rate despite the complex nature of the cases they accept. Tahirih Justice Center turns every $1 into $4 of impact by leveraging the donated services of a network of pro bono professionals that includes more than 2,000 attorneys at 400+ top-ranked law firms.
Click here to learn more about Tahirih Justice Center at Tahirih

American Red Cross
In the wake of so many natural disasters, the global Red Cross network is responding to emergency needs with food, water, and relief supplies, and the American Red Cross is lending people, expertise, and equipment to such massive efforts.
The pictures and sounds of these disasters are gut-wrenching. At The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center, we have made a significant commitment to financially help this relief effort, and we hope that you do the same.
Please reach deep and donate to this institution.
Donate to the American Red Cross here.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
MSF is an international medical humanitarian organization providing aid in nearly 60 countries for people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from healthcare, or natural disasters. MSF provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need.
Dr. Egrari and his staff have been involved with MSF by providing significant financial help in times of need. If you wish to join us in helping, please click here to donate to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières.
Click here to donate to MSF.

Mona Foundation
The Mona Foundation serves its mission through the development of human resources, promoting service learning and volunteerism, bridging the digital divide, and supporting our adopted projects through financial grants and material resources that these projects need for their everyday operation or for their development plans.
Our practice has been a significant support to the Mona Foundation. We believe the Mona Foundation’s purposes serve the ultimate ideal: to bring people of all backgrounds together in service to each other across cultural, national, religious, racial, and economic divides to systematically contribute our human and material resources. The Mona Foundation strives to create a world devoid of poverty, war, and disease — where every member of our human family actively participates in the process of our human progress and development.
We invite you to join us in our quest to give back and truly make the world a better place. Donate today.
To learn more about Mona Foundation, please visit their website at: www.monafoundation.org.

Children’s Hospital And Regional Medical Center
Children are the greatest gift of our lives. They embody the hopes of the future of our planet. At The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center, we believe that every child deserves appropriate healthcare.
For over 100 years, the Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center has provided extraordinary care for our children, regardless of their ability to pay. Uncompensated patient care amounted to over $40 million last year.
We at The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center are proud to have actively made major contributions to Children’s Foundation and Guild Association. The well-being of our children should be a priority for all of us.
Please visit seattlechildrens.org and contribute to The Campaign for Children’s.

Food LifeLine
In 1981, LifeWire opened up its doors as Eastside Domestic Violence Program (EDVP) and grew to become the largest provider of services for domestic violence victims in Washington. A support group for battered women and two volunteer safe homes were the first services offered, followed a year later by a 24-hour crisis line. Today, in addition to the crisis line, LIFEWIRE operates two confidential shelters, offers additional safe housing in the community, runs support groups for women and children, provides extensive community education and training, and advocates on behalf of victims.
Over the years, LIFEWIRE has been recognized for innovative programs. They created the Community Advocacy program that provides links to victims through police departments, hospitals, social service agencies, and more. They have also launched My Friend’s Place, a transitional housing program for families dealing with both domestic violence and substance abuse — the first program of its kind. In addition, LIFEWIRE works to expand community education with the Domestic Violence Goes to Work campaign.
The need for their services has increased along with community awareness. Future LIFEWIRE goals include youth education, expanded housing options, and more legal services for victims, as well as strengthening their infrastructure to ensure the stability of the organization.
The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center is pleased to do our part in supporting this worthy cause by sponsoring a family each holiday season for giving. Everyone in our office contributes by gathering a wish list for the family.
Please join us in supporting the work of LIFEWIRE to end domestic violence. Click here to learn more.

As Washington’s largest hunger relief agency, the non-profit organization Food Lifeline is working to provide nutritious food to hungry people in Western Washington. Each year, Food Lifeline rescues and distributes nearly 22 million pounds of food to its network of food banks, meal programs, and shelters in 17 counties of Western Washington, feeding nearly 600,000 hungry people.
As supporters of Food Lifeline’s mission to end hunger, we aim to be a part of the network that is working together to create change to ensure that hungry families do not have to go without a meal, and that hungry children get the proper nutrition to meet the challenges of learning in school.
Food Lifeline depends on the work of thousands of wonderful volunteers who donate their time and skills every year. The Egrari Plastic Surgery Center is pleased to be among those volunteers, donating our time to help this worthy cause.
Food Lifeline offers a variety of opportunities to involve all kinds of people in work that, without you, would be impossible. Please consider getting involved and joining in our mission to end hunger in Western Washington! Click here to learn more.