The American Society Of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the main society for all board-certified plastic surgeons around the world. It stands for providing not only service for its members but support and information for the general public.

The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is dedicated to the art and science of aesthetic plastic surgery. Members are seasoned, board-certified plastic surgeons. ASAPS provides comprehensive knowledge about the latest techniques in the field of cosmetic surgery. It also has a strong research and academic front that propagates improvement in safety and technique throughout aesthetic surgery.

The American Board Of Plastic Surgery
The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the governing body for administering stringent qualification examinations for plastic surgeons. The diplomates of the American Board of Plastic Surgery have undergone years of surgical training and have passed qualifying and certifying examinations.

The American Board Of Surgery
The American Board of Surgery is the governing body for administering stringent qualification examinations for general surgeons. The diplomates of the American Board of Surgery have undergone years of surgical training and have passed qualifying and certifying examinations.

The American College Of Surgeons
The American College of Surgeons is a main surgical society for all surgical specialties. This powerful society and its fellows uphold standards of surgical excellence in all fields.

The American Board Of Medical Specialties
The American Board of Medical Specialties oversees 24 approved medical specialty boards in the United States. It offers information relating to specialization and certification to the public, the government, and to medical professionals. Certification by this board signifies that a surgeon has undergone rigorous and standardized training in a qualified institution and has passed thorough tests that have determined him or her to be a safe, knowledgeable and competent plastic surgeon.

The American Medical Association
Throughout its 150-year history, The American Medical Association dedicated itself to serving as a “voice” for the American medical profession. This association advocates on behalf of both patients and physicians and it strongly supports standards in medical practice, research, and education.

American Association For Accreditation Of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities Inc.
The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities Inc (AAAASF) is an organization that is nationally recognized in its accreditation of free-standing surgical facilities. Endorsed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it dictates very stringent criteria for accreditation. This rigorous process is continually maintained by a mandatory peer review of procedures and the facility itself.