Rejuvenate Your Eyes with Natural-Looking Eyelid Surgery in Seattle

Your eyelid skin is one of the first areas to show signs of age, as its skin is very fine and delicate and constantly exposed to the elements. Eyelid surgery, when performed by a top surgical professional, can restore a more youthful look and appear totally natural rather than “worked on”. With Dr. Egrari’s skill and experience, you can achieve that youthful and natural look with eyelid surgery in Seattle.

Who is a Good Candidate For Eyelid Surgery?

  • Individuals with drooping, sagging, or creased skin on the upper or lower eyelids
  • Those experiencing excess upper eyelid skin that obstructs their vision
  • Patients of Asian descent seeking to enhance their eyelid structure by creating a defined double eyelid crease
  • Individuals who have lost the natural contour of their upper eyelid crease
  • Those with noticeable under-eye puffiness or fat deposits, often accompanied by deep tear troughs that contribute to a fatigued or aged appearance

Intended Results

Our eyelid surgery in Bellevue is intended to achieve:

  • A more alert and rested appearance to the eyes
  • Widening of visual fields if excessive upper lid skin has partially blocked vision
  • A natural, youthful, fresh appearance of the eyes
  • Softened wrinkles (this procedure does not remove or erase all wrinkle lines, but softens them so they are less apparent)

Cosmetic Vs. Functional Blepharoplasty

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery that is performed to improve your appearance. Drooping eyelids can impair your vision and make daily activities like driving more difficult or even dangerous. Over time, age and other factors can contribute to wrinkling and sagging of the skin around the eyes, which significantly ages your face. Excess skin causing folds around the eyelids can lead to irritation, muscle strain, or difficulty when wearing glasses.

Some cosmetic issues can be genetic, such as skin elasticity or fat pockets around the eyes. In both cases, blepharoplasty is used to reduce excess skin and fat near the eyes and improve the scope of vision. Functional blepharoplasty is when eyelid surgery is performed for medical reasons.

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Eyelid Surgery Procedure Description

Our eyelid surgery in Seattle is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. A unique eyelid surgical procedure is often done to the lower lids by repositioning and re-draping the fat. This reduces the tear troughs and maintains the youthful lid-cheek junction. The incisions are made where the natural crease falls in the upper lids and below the lash lines in the lower lids. Dr. Egrari’s advanced surgical techniques and strategic incision placement will reduce your possibility of visible scarring. 

Once healed, your scars will be practically imperceptible. A re-suspension and tightening of the lower lid (canthopexy) are commonly done during lower lid rejuvenation. Excess fat and skin are judiciously removed. Blepharoplasty requires precision and experience to only remove enough skin to eliminate drooping eyelids but retain functionality, because the skin still needs to be lax enough to move as you look around.

In addition, the enhancement should appear natural, not pulled or surprised-looking. Laser skin resurfacing can be used to tighten the remaining skin laxity and enhance your final look.

If only excess fat is present in the lower lids, it may be removed through an incision inside the lower lids with no external incision or scar in a procedure known as transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

What is the Recovery After Eyelid Surgery?

Any sutures placed during your eyelid surgery in Bellevue will be absorbable, or they will be removed within five days. Initial mild discomfort can easily be controlled with oral medication. Though your symptoms will be mild and manageable, you should avoid strenuous activities or actions that would cause pressure or an accidental bump near your eyes. Bruising will last up to one week, and swelling will progressively disappear over several weeks.

Symptoms can also be controlled using a cold pack for a few minutes at a time every few hours you are awake. Eyeglasses can be worn immediately after surgery, but you should refrain from wearing contacts until you have healed and can comfortably place them. Eye makeup can be used shortly after the sutures are removed. The amount of reduced skin and fat will become apparent over the next few weeks, and you will begin to notice a more youthful, vital look that appears fully natural.

What To Expect After Eyelid Surgery

Once your incisions have healed, you can enjoy your rested and alert appearance.

Most patients are extremely satisfied with their results and look younger than they did before surgery.

You will likely experience a reduction in skin irritation, better eye functionality, and glasses may fit better.

Though the impressive results of our eyelid surgery in Seattle can last 10 years or more, it does not stop the aging process. However, your results will be long-term.

Dr. Egrari’s vast experience with eyelid rejuvenation has led him to express to patients: “Often, less is more with the eyes.” This is because overly-done eyes appear unnatural and do not look youthful — rather, they look strange. A subtle and artistic touch must be used during eyelid surgery.

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Other Options And Information About Eyelid Surgery

Dr. Egrari is committed to producing results that you can enjoy for many years to come. The artistic elements of eyelid surgery have undergone a tremendous evolution in the past few years. Sometimes less is better. Every effort is made to re-create your youthful look without an unnatural or strange appearance that can result from over-aggressive eyelid surgery.

Seattle plastic surgeon Dr. Egrari is known for his artistic approach to this procedure and his beautiful results.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons offers additional information on eyelid lift at

Why Choose Dr. Egrari for Blepharoplasty In Seattle?

If you’re living with the signs of aging around your eyes that make you look significantly older or are creating vision problems, you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery in Seattle. Dr. Egrari has been in practice for more than 20 years and is dedicated to producing some of the most beautiful, high quality results in eyelid surgery Bellevue has to offer. He performs this procedure at his stunning surgery center, where the focus is upon patient safety, comfort, and results.

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