At the Egrari Plastic Surgery Center, we’re also proud to offer a comprehensive range of non-invasive treatments tailored specifically for men, providing cutting-edge solutions to address your various aesthetic concerns.

Coolsculpting for Men

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that harnesses the power of cryolipolysis, which involves precisely controlled cooling to target and freeze fat cells. A specialized applicator is placed on the specific treatment area during the procedure, delivering controlled cooling to the targeted fat deposits. This cooling process crystallizes the fat cells, causing them to undergo natural cell death. Over time, the body naturally processes and eliminates these damaged fat cells, reducing localized fat deposits. This innovative and precise approach is particularly advantageous for men seeking to reduce submental (under the chin) and body fat without invasive surgery, offering an elegant solution for achieving a more contoured and defined appearance.

Is Coolsculpting Right for Me? 

Typically, we’ve found the men who get the most out of this procedure include those who: 

  • Have noticeable bulges of fat in specific areas
  • Are at or near their ideal body weight
  • Seek fat reduction in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Prefer a non-invasive fat reduction treatment
  • Have realistic expectations about the results

What are the Benefits of Coolsculpting? 

  • Non-invasive and non-surgical
  • No downtime or minimal recovery time
  • Targeted fat reduction in specific areas
  • Long-lasting results
  • Natural-looking fat reduction
  • Safe and FDA-cleared
  • Minimal discomfort during the procedure
  • No anesthesia or needles required
  • Gradual and natural-looking fat reduction
  • Can complement a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise


CoolTone provides an ideal solution for men seeking to enhance muscle tone and definition. This innovative treatment utilizes magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology to induce powerful muscle contractions, effectively strengthening and toning the abdomen, buttocks, and thigh muscles. By triggering deep muscle contractions, CoolTone helps individuals achieve a more athletic and sculpted physique without requiring invasive procedures, catering to the active lifestyle and preference for minimal downtime commonly embraced by modern men.

Is CoolTone Right for Me? 

We’ve found the men who get the most out of this procedure include those who: 

  • Desire to strengthen, tone, and firm specific muscle groups
  • Seeking to enhance muscle definition and sculpt the body
  • Already at or near their ideal body weight
  • Committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise routine
  • Looking for a non-invasive muscle toning treatment

What are the Benefits of CoolTone? 

  • Enhanced muscle strength and toning
  • Non-invasive treatment for muscle toning
  • FDA-cleared and safe procedure
  • Complements an active lifestyle and fitness routine
  • Minimal to no downtime after treatment
  • Customizable treatment for specific muscle groups
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance
  • No surgery, incisions, or anesthesia required
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InMode TONE is another valuable tool for men striving to achieve their aesthetic and fitness objectives. By utilizing electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), InMode TONE effectively targets specific muscle groups to enhance muscle tone and strength, contributing to a more sculpted and defined physique. Additionally, this technology aids in reducing fat in targeted areas by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning. With its non-invasive nature and absence of downtime or recovery, InMode TONE offers a convenient and efficient solution for men looking to enhance their muscle tone and achieve their fitness goals without requiring invasive procedures.


Is InMode TONE Right for Me? 

Typically, we’ve found the men who benefit most from InMode TONE are those who: 

  • Aim to fortify, and firm targeted muscle groups
  • Strive to refine muscle definition and sculpt their physique
  • Are already at or close to their desired body weight
  • Are dedicated to upholding a healthy lifestyle and consistent exercise regimen
  • Are in search of a non-invasive muscle toning solution

What are the Benefits of InMode TONE?

InMode TONE offers a comprehensive range of benefits that make it a highly sought-after solution for men seeking to enhance their muscle tone and achieve a more sculpted physique. Some of these include: 

  • Improved muscle strength and endurance
  • Refined muscle definition and body sculpting
  • Non-invasive treatment option
  • Minimal downtime and recovery
  • Targeted fat reduction
  • Convenient and efficient solution
  • Precise muscle toning
  • Safe and effective technology
  • Customizable treatment options
  • Long-lasting results


Kybella injections offer a non-surgical reduction of submental fat called a double chin. This innovative treatment involves the injection of synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body, into the targeted area beneath the chin. Deoxycholic acid breaks down fat cells, leading to a noticeable reduction in submental fullness. This minimally invasive procedure is especially attractive to men seeking a more defined jawline and an improved facial profile without surgical intervention.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella? 

We’ve loved helping men with this procedure and find that the best candidates include: 

  • Individuals with moderate to severe submental fullness (double chin)
  • Those seeking a non-surgical solution for submental fat reduction
  • Adults with good skin elasticity
  • Prefer a minimally invasive treatment over surgical options
  • Have realistic expectations about the results

What are the Benefits of Kybella? 

  • Non-surgical treatment for submental fat reduction
  • Minimally invasive with little downtime
  • Targeted reduction of submental fullness (double chin)
  • Can improve jawline definition and overall facial profile
  • FDA-approved and clinically proven
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance
  • Can enhance self-confidence and satisfaction with appearance
  • No need for surgery, incisions, or general anesthesia
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BOTOX for Men

BOTOX injections provide a highly effective solution for men aiming to diminish dynamic wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead, around the eyes, and between the eyebrows. This widely sought-after treatment involves injecting botulinum toxin into targeted facial muscles. The toxin works by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the muscles, leading to their relaxation and smoothing overlying skin. The straightforward nature of the procedure makes it an excellent option for men seeking natural-looking rejuvenation without the necessity of invasive interventions.

Is BOTOX Right for Me? 

Typically, we’ve found men who make the best candidates for BOTOX include:

  • Those seeking to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines
  • Individuals with dynamic wrinkles caused by facial muscle movements
  • Those looking for a non-surgical solution for facial rejuvenation
  • Individuals in good overall health and realistic expectations about the results
  • Those who prefer a minimally invasive treatment over surgical options

What are the Benefits of BOTOX? 

  • Reduction of facial wrinkles and fine lines
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment
  • Quick procedure with minimal downtime
  • Can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance
  • FDA-approved and clinically proven
  • Customizable treatment for specific areas of concern
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance
  • Can prevent the formation of new wrinkles
  • Safe and well-tolerated when administered by a qualified professional
  • Versatile application for various cosmetic and medical purposes


miraDry is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes microwave technology to target and eliminate sweat and odor glands in the underarms. The area is numbed during the treatment, and a handheld device delivers controlled electromagnetic energy to the targeted sweat glands. This energy disrupts and eliminates the sweat and odor glands while ensuring the surrounding tissues remain unharmed. This innovative solution provides a practical and long-lasting way to address excessive underarm sweating, making it particularly beneficial for men seeking a non-surgical intervention for this concern.

Am I a Good Candidate for miraDry?

We’ve loved helping our male clients with this simple procedure, which is an excellent fit for:

  • Individuals bothered by excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis)
  • Those seeking a long-term solution for underarm sweat and odor
  • Those who prefer a non-invasive treatment for excessive sweating
  • Men in good overall health and realistic expectations about the results
  • Individuals who want to reduce underarm sweat without daily maintenance or the use of antiperspirants

What are the Benefits of miraDry? 

  • Significant reduction in underarm sweat
  • Minimally invasive and non-surgical procedure
  • Long-lasting results with a single treatment
  • Elimination of underarm odor
  • Minimal to no downtime after the procedure
  • Customizable treatment tailored to individual needs
  • Can boost self-confidence and improve quality of life
  • Reduced reliance on antiperspirants and deodorants
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Dermal Fillers for Men

We’re also excited to offer a host of dermal fillers, such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Sculptra, to address your specific aesthetic concerns. These fillers are popular for men seeking to address nasolabial folds and restore volume to areas like the cheeks and jawline. They are known for their ability to deliver natural-looking results, effectively rejuvenating the facial appearance without surgery. 
Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance. Filler is injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, and enhance facial contours. The procedure involves a series of injections into targeted areas, with the filler integrating into the tissue to achieve the desired rejuvenating effects.

Are Dermal Fillers Right for Me? 

Typically, we’ve found that our patients who get the most out of dermal fillers include: 

  • Men seeking to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines
  • Individuals interested in enhancing facial volume and contours
  • Those looking to address age-related volume loss in the face
  • Those who prefer a non-surgical solution for facial rejuvenation
  • Individuals in good overall health and realistic expectations about the results

What are the Benefits of Dermal Fillers? 

  • Reduction of facial wrinkles and lines
  • Enhancement of facial volume and contours
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment
  • Quick procedure with immediate results
  • Can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance
  • Customizable treatment for specific areas of concern
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance
  • Versatile application for various cosmetic purposes
  • Can improve self-confidence and satisfaction with appearance

Hair Restoration with PRP

Hair restoration with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) is a non-invasive treatment that involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, which is then processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma. This concentrated plasma, rich in growth factors, is injected into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles, promote growth, and increase hair thickness. This innovative approach is especially advantageous for men experiencing hair thinning or early signs of balding, harnessing the body's natural healing mechanisms to rejuvenate and revitalize the hair.

Am I a Good Candidate for Hair Restoration with PRP?

We’ve loved helping our male patients with this procedure and find those who get the most out of it include: 

  • Men experiencing early stages of hair loss or thinning
  • Those seeking a non-surgical and natural approach to hair restoration
  • Individuals with realistic expectations about the potential outcomes
  • Men in good overall health and absence of certain medical conditions that may interfere with the treatment
  • Those who prefer a minimally invasive solution for addressing hair loss
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What are the benefits of Hair Restoration with PRP? 

  • Stimulates natural hair growth
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure
  • Utilizes the body's natural growth factors
  • Can improve hair thickness and density
  • Minimal downtime and quick recovery
  • Customizable treatment based on individual needs
  • Safe and well-tolerated with minimal risk of side effects
  • Can complement other hair restoration treatments
  • Enhanced self-confidence and satisfaction with appearance
  • Long-lasting results with proper maintenance

Experience the Difference 

Dr. Egrari, our board-certified plastic and general surgeon with nearly 25 years of experience, leads our team of providers meticulously selected to meet his stringent standards, ensuring that patients receive exceptional care and outstanding results. For men seeking to enhance their appearance without extensive downtime or surgical intervention, rest assured, we've got you covered. 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Egrari today and take the first step towards achieving your aesthetic goals with confidence and assurance.

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